Monday, December 8, 2008

Just Another Day

'Tis the go shopping! I decided even before Annabelle was born, all my Christmas shopping (or at least the vast majority) would be done online this year. You can find anything and everything online and several websites offer free shipping, so it really is easier. But...I miss "real" shopping. I already miss the stress of wandering around the mall all day searching for the perfect gift. Weird, huh? I have learned that the stressful part of Christmas shopping exists even with online shopping. Searching for THE perfect gift is very hard work. In fact, the wheels of my mind are turning right now even as I type this, trying to come up with gift ideas for friends and family. Hmmmmmmm........

Today I had a Christmas related errand to run, so I loaded Jacob and Annabelle into the car and headed out. I also needed to stop by Belk to pick up some lipstick. I was down to the very bottom and the sides of the tube were beginning to scratch my lips. (Does that ever happen to anyone else?) SIDE STORY: When it comes to lipstick, I couldn't be more boring. I have worn the same lipstick color for years -- Tenderheart, by Clinique. I don't know what I would do if the company decided to discontinue that color. What a sad day that would be. I have decided I am ready to broaden my lipstick horizons and try something new. Perhaps that will be one of my new year's resolutions. I certainly won't give up Tenderheart, but I am sure I can add a few or at least one new color to my make-up bag.

Ok...back to my original story. So I get to Belk and as I pull into a parking space, Annabelle begins to cry. She is hungry, so I get her out of her car seat and take care of that. Jacob was very patient and content listening to the kids channel on XM radio -- except when I started singing. Then he yelled, "No Mommy! No, Mommy." I guess he doesn't like my singing anymore :( When Annabelle was finished eating, I buckled her back into her car seat and decided I would get out the new double stroller and at least walk around the mall for a few minutes since I had the time. What I didn't know, was that getting the stroller out of the car and ready to go was going to take another 30 minutes. (Ok...yes...that is an exaggeration, but it probably did take me at least 10-15 minutes.)

First of all, the stroller is heavy. Second, it doesn't "pop up" the way it should. I stood at the back of my car fighting and struggling with this stroller for what seemed like forever. I provided entertainment for at least one woman who parked her car, got out, and stood and watched me for a little while before walking into the store. When I finally got the stroller ready, I had broken a sweat, despite the 54 degree temperature. Now I realize it sounds like I am complaining. I'm really not complaining...just whining a little bit. I do LOVE the stroller. It was great once I finally got in the store. Jacob loves it and I think Annabelle does too. It is so easy to push and maneuver. I just think I need a little more practice setting it up and taking it down. Yes, getting it folded up and back in the car was another sweat inducing workout. I think I'll practice at home a few more times, so the next time I go somewhere, hopefully I won't provide parking lot entertainment.

Everyone knows Jacob's most treasured posession is his Mr. Monkey -- a little blue blanket with a monkey head on the top. He has had it since he was tiny and I think he will have it for the rest of his disintegrates first. Mr. Monkey ripped a few weeks ago. I'm still not sure how it happened. The hole has gotten much larger and Jacob has pulled all the stuffing out of the blanket and turned it inside out. I wonder what people were thinking today as I pushed him through the mall because when he pulls out the stuffing, somehow the majority of it ends up in his hair. By the time we got back outside, his head was covered with white "fuzz" -- that's what Jacob calls it. Poor Mr. Monkey. I need to learn how to sew...and fast!!!!

Where's Jacob? There he is!!

Look at my beautiful sweater! I feel pretty...oh so pretty......

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