Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Back to the Doctor

It was a big day for Annabelle! She had her two month well visit this morning...which included shots. Yuck. The doctor said she is growing and developing perfectly, so all is well. Our "big" girl weighs 11 pounds, 6 ounces and is 22 inches long. She is in the 50th percentile for weight and 25th for height. Wow! Hmmmm....I wonder if all that chocolate I've been eating is contributing to her weight. Is that possible?? If anyone is interested, she is also in the 25th percentile for head circumfrence.
Annabelle handled her shots fairly well -- all three of them. She did cry a little...ok...a lot....but not for long. She quieted down as soon as I picked her up. That made me feel better. I am always anxious when it comes to taking them to get shots. But, really, who likes shots?

Jacob came along for the ride and had his turn to be seen by the doctor as well. He's had a cold for a long time and if you've been following this blog for any length of time, you probably know what that inevitably leads guessed it......a double ear infection. Time to chug-a-lug the Amoxicillin. Jacob actually loves that stuff, so at least I don't have to fight with him to take it.

Taking two children to the doctor is not what I would call a fun activity. The last time I went with Jacob, Annabelle just slept in her car seat the whole time, so that made things a little easier. Today's visit was much more difficult. The most embarassing thing? Probably when Jacob opened the door, said, "Bye! See you tomorrow!" and ran all the way down the hall and around the corner to the exit. The doctor actually had to chase him down for me because I had my hands full with Annabelle at that moment. What made it worse is that he was yelling all the way down the hall (not screaming, just yelling). He is a little hoarse from all the coughing and he's still congested, so when he yells, he sounds like a demon child...seriously. We kind of laugh at this when we're at home, but it's not so funny when we're in a public place. I'm sure people were thinking, "What is wrong with that kid?" Oh well. Jacob, Jacob, Jacob. He might be challenging, but I love that little boy :)

Jacob definitely needed a nap after this morning's crazy doctor visit. I needed one too!

I found this video when I was transferring pictures from the camera to the computer. This was from New Year's Day. He was playing with one of his bathtub squirt toys that he got for Christmas....until Daddy put an end to the "fun." He likes to squirt the water outside the tub. Fun for Jacob....not so fun for us.

This video of Annabelle was taken the same day as Jacob's bath video.

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