Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Definition of Cute

If you look up the word "cute" in a picture dictionary, I suspect this is what you would find:

Honestly, the cuteness factor here is completely off the scale. Don't you think?

Sunday morning before church, I noticed I had inadvertently dressed Jacob and Annabelle in matching outfits. Of course, I had to take advantage of this with a quick photo shoot. Jacob was all kisses and hugs, so it worked out well. I think Annabelle even enjoyed it.

We're still waiting on Annabelle to roll over. She gets to her side, then gets really frustrated trying to push herself the rest of the way. When Jacob sees her frustration, he usually decides to help her and push her himself...not so gently. I'm sure she'll be rolling over any day now, perhaps today!

I've been thinking lately, I really do have the best job in the world! I am so happy to be able to stay at home and take care of Jacob and Annabelle. It's so much fun to play with them and watch them grow. I do have some days where I am teetering on the edge of crazy, but then one of them always does something to make me smile. Just a couple minutes ago, Jacob and I had an impromptu dance party. We also have sing-a-longs. Other times we pretend we are trains, airplanes or cars, and walk around the house making the respective noises. It's fun...for Jacob and for me. Ok, so we may look a little silly, but there's nothing wrong with that.

Jacob's favorite thing to do with Annabelle is make her dance. He is always dancing with his sister. Also, did you notice how he gives her a toy? He just throws it on top of her. "Here Annabelle.....a toy!" Occasionally, I'll find her laying on her playmat or in her bed with one or two toys piled on top of her. She doesn't seem to mind. I know there will come a day when she starts to throw toys back at him though. Hmmm...what will Jacob think about that?

1 comment:

Jo!Beth said...

Oh. My. Goodness. Who gave Annabelle that dress?! That is absolutely adorable! Oh wait, I did. Hahaha They are too cute!!!