Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Weekend of Play

I just finished washing an entire weekend's worth of dishes -- pots, pans, sippy cups (with all their various parts), and everything else that wouldn't fit into the dishwasher. I know. You are jealous, right? If only you could be me......

So, what have I been up to this weekend? Obviously, I spent no time doing dishes. A quick glance at the mile high laundry pile tells me I have neglected that chore as well, which makes me wonder what in the world I will wear tomorrow. The same question stands for Jacob, Annabelle, and Heath.'s looking more and more like a late date with the washer and dryer is in my future.
This weekend was all play and no work. I blame the weather. It was so incredibly nice -- especially after it's been so cold and rainy. Today, instead of our usual after church naps (there is nothing better than a Sunday afternoon nap), we headed out to the park after lunch. Jacob was able to ride his tricycle, which he is still trying to master, and Annabelle was able to experience a little freedom, toddling around on her own while we followed close behind. This weekend was our first little glimpse of spring. I can't wait for more days like these!

Yesterday, we went to the mall to do a little shopping. I was armed with gift cards from Christmas, so that made the experience even better. Guilt-free shopping is great. Apparently, everyone else in our area decided they would go shopping too. The stores were packed. If each person who was in the mall yesterday bought at least one item, I'd say our economy was very well stimulated. Or maybe they were just spending gift cards. Do gift cards count towards stimulating our economy??

After our little shopping trip, we went to Macaroni Grill for dinner -- one of my favorite restaurants. Going out to eat with a three year old and a 15 month old is definitely interesting, to say the least. We just walk in, cross our fingers and pray for the best. The parent who sits beside the little one doesn't really get to eat. His or her entire time at the restaurant is spent entertaining in any and every way possible, cutting up food, feeding, and searching for snacks. Whoever sits next to the older one has the pleasure of trying to make him sit still and STAY in his booster seat, and manipulate him into eating his dinner. Yesterday evening was no exception.

Jacob happily ate the olives and the bread he was served, then he was done. When his actual meal was brought to the table, he wanted no part of it. He mainly wanted to crawl around in the booth and NOT sit in his booster seat. Annabelle sat happily in her seat eating her graham crackers. Happily, that is, until the crackers were gone. When she realized she wasn't going to get anymore, her temper flared and she began to throw her head back against the seat. I was a little embarrassed because I knew she had to be bothering the woman who was sitting on the other side of our booth. Maybe she thought the booths had a new massage feature or something. I can only hope. Although, I suspect that "massage feature" was probably a little more jarring than she would have liked. Annabelle finally calmed down once the spaghetti arrived. The girl loves anything covered in tomato sauce. Thank goodness for tomato sauce.

After Annabelle finished eating, Heath offered to hold her while I ate. She wanted out of her seat and threw a fit to show us exactly how she felt. So, off she went to Daddy while I scarfed down my food. We then boxed up Jacob's hardly touched meal and left the premises. Just another typical dining out experience for the Duncans. Tip: If you're hoping for a nice, quiet dinner out and you see our family walk through the door, you may want to consider another restaurant. However, if you're looking for some free entertainment, definitely stay. I promise we won't let you down. :)

Just for fun, here are a few more recently taken pictures:

Why yes, these are safety goggles.

By the way, Annabelle had her 15 month well visit last week! She is still little, but growing up strong. We were hoping she would weigh at least 20 pounds, but she came in just under our goal at 19 lbs. 5 oz. One day, Annabelle, you WILL get to face forward in the car. One day. Only a few more ounces to go!! Her weight puts her in the fifth percentile among babies her age. She may be tiny, but she's healthy and that's all we're really concerned about!

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