Thursday, May 15, 2008

It's been a busy week...

...and I've been meaning to update the site for few days now, but I just haven't had the time.

Last Sunday was Mother's Day and what started out as a "not so good day," turned into a great one. I woke up really sick and felt terrible all morning. (I guess that was a special "Happy Mother's Day" present from the new baby) The weather was stormy and there was a possibility of a tornado coming into our area. What a day for Mother's Day! BUT...the weather cleared up after church and I started feeling a little better, so the day turned out to be not so bad after all.

We decided to drive to Summerville to have lunch with our parents, so it was nice to be able to see both our moms on that special day. Of course, I forgot the camera, so pictures from that outing.

As usual, Jacob's been busy playing and learning new things. He's had Katie to play with again this week since she finally got over her cold. He had a bad a cold a couple weeks ago too, so I hope we're all done with sickness for a while.

Jacob has had lots of fun with the carnation we got from Logan's on Mother's Day. He loves to smell flowers, thanks to Pat the Bunny. He also likes to eat the stems. Rocks, flower stems...he'll eat pretty much anything...except food when we want him too!

I may have mentioned this in a previous entry, but Jacob absolutely loves Winnie the Pooh. I took this video when he was watching Pooh the other day and thought it was really cute. He likes to blow kisses and give kisses now and when he does, he always says, "Mmmmm-aaah."

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