Friday, May 1, 2009

And just like that, she's sitting up!

Annabelle is 6 months old now and very proud of it! She's getting to be such a big girl! Take a look:

Seriously, where has the time gone? I think we're on super speed warp or something! She doesn't know it yet, but Annabelle has a big day ahead of her tomorrow too. She's going to be trying out some delicious rice cereal. Oh boy! Yes, I will post a video. :)

She is so expressive now. She makes the funniest faces and noises. Most recently, she's taken to puckering her lips and breathing really hard through her nose. So funny. She does this for no apparent reason. This week, she put herself on a new schedule. Instead of sleeping until 8:30 or 9:00 AM, she's decided she likes waking up a bit earlier -- 5:45 or 6:00 AM. I don't particularly like this new schedule, but I can't complain even one little bit. She still sleeps through the night from about 9:30 PM until morning. She's done this for months now. Not bad, huh?

"Just Like The Wiggles Did"

Wednesday afternoon was...let me find a word.....interesting. We had gone to Publix earlier that day and Jacob fell asleep in the car on the way. I knew, then, it would be difficult to get him to take a nap later. (Even five minutes of sleep in the car can ruin a nap.) After lunch, I told him it was naptime and he went to bed willingly. Annabelle went to bed willingly too, and fell asleep immediately. Jacob, however, had other plans. He sat in his bed for an hour, playing, "reading" books, singing songs, etc... I waited and waited for him to go to sleep so that I could get in the shower. I finally gave up and asked him if he wanted to sit on the couch and watch a movie while I got ready. Usually, I can count on a movie to keep him occupied so he won't get into trouble...usually. Soon after I finished, Jacob came running into the bedroom with a big grin and a mouth full of food. I asked him what he was eating and he could barely get the word "banana" out because his mouth was so full. As we walked into the kitchen, he pointed to the floor. There, in front of us, were four banana peels...and yes, Jacob had eaten all FOUR bananas. These weren't small bananas either. FOUR BANANAS!!! He had started on the fifth, but was unsuccessful. The fifth banana had a bite mark right through the middle, peel and all. I said, "Jacob, you ate FOUR bananas??!!??!!??!!" He replied, "I eat foh bananas...just like the Wiggles did!" In one of his Wiggles movies, one of the Wiggles eats four bananas. So, yes, he was right. He did eat four bananas, just like The Wiggles did. When Heath got home that evening, I told him Jacob was ready for a bath and bed -- no dinner. I figured four bananas qualified as a meal.

Later on that day, as I was feeding Annabelle, I noticed the house was extra quiet and you know what that means -- somebody is up to no good. I called for Jacob. No answer. I called again. Still no answer. I called several more times and yelled, "If you don't come in here right NOW, I'm taking Mr. Monkey's cousin away." Still, no Jacob. I finally had to get up and search for him. I found him in our bathroom. The rug was soaked (so was the floor) and there he was standing there with a now practically empty bottle of contact solution. "See?? I pour it on the foor. See??" he said. "Yes, I see." As I put the bottle back on the counter I said, " Why didn't you come when I asked you to? I told you if you didn't come into the living room, I was going to take away Mr. Monkey's cousin. So, now I am putting him up and you can't have him back until tomorrow." What??? What did I just say??? Tomorrow??? I didn't really mean to say, "tomorrow," but after I said it, I couldn't take it back and I knew I had to stick with the punishment. Boy, that was a rough night...for Heath. I went to choir practice, so Heath was the one who put Jacob to bed...without his best friend, Mr. Monkey's cousin. Jacob screamed and cried for over an hour before he finally went to sleep. He even cried through his bedtime story.

I have to say, that may have been a rough night, but I think that punishment worked. Yesterday, Jacob actually listened and obeyed. All I had to say was, "Remember, if you don't do what I say, Mr. Monkey is going bye-bye again." Hey, whatever works, right?

Mealtimes are still as exciting as ever. In this video, Jacob pretended his carrot sticks were people and his cheese was a "doggie's bone" ( he bit it into the shape of a dog bone). On another occasion, he brushed his teeth with a carrot and used ranch dressing for toothpaste. Yesterday, he had to play doctor to a crouton who got a boo-boo.

Right after I turned the camera off, Jacob put his cheese to bed in between the lunchmeat slices. This kid has some imagination!

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