Monday, June 8, 2009

Party Time

Jacob loves birthday parties. He throws parties all the time, mostly for his little farm animals. He stacks up a set of nesting boxes and uses them as a birthday cake (creative, huh?). Then sings "Happy birt-day to yooooooou!" as loud as he possibly can.

Last week, he was invited to two real birthday parties and he was soooo excited. We went to Katie's party on Saturday afternoon. She is four years old! Can you believe it? Jacob could hardly wait for her party. From the day we received the Wonder Pets invitation in the mail, he never stopped talking about it. We put the invitation on the refrigerator and Jacob took it down at least once a day and asked about Katie's party.

Monday morning was Carter's (our neighbor) birthday party. He had a Wall-E themed party. Jacob has really gotten into Wall-E lately, so of course, he loved it; but the sprinklers were his favorite part.

I think Annabelle had fun at the party too. She got passed around from person to person while I tended my wild child. Thank goodness she's a happy baby!

So, all these parties have me thinking now...."What should we do for Jacob's birthday this year?" I have a few ideas in mind, but haven't settled on anything yet. Island Playground was such a hit last year. I hope I can come up with something equally as fun (or better!) for this year's party. Hmmmmmmmm......... At least I still have a couple months to think about it!

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