Monday, June 8, 2009

Who Said Swimming is Fun????

I was born in Florida and my grandparents had a swimming pool in their backyard. It was only natural that I take swimming lessons as early as possible. I think I was about a year and a half old when I had my first lesson. I loved it. Well, let me take that back. I don't think I loved first. I don't actually remember any of those early swimming lessons, but I've been told I wasn't too excited about being dunked under the water over and over and over again. C'mon...would you be?? It didn't take long for me to get used to it, though. After a few dunks, I was sold. I loved the water! We have old home movies of me swimming around in the pool like a little fish...errrrr...more like a frog. And I use the word "swimming" very loosely. I would stand on the side of the pool, jump in, kick my legs and paddle my arms as fast as I could, but would hardly move from where I originally jumped in. I laugh every time I see those videos. The point is, I loved the water. I wasn't afraid. I loved "swimming" under the water and I hated when it was time for me to get out of the pool.

Jacob has always loved the water. He loves to splash it in his face. He loves to play in the sprinklers and he loves the baby pool. However, his love of water quickly changes to fear when he gets into a deeper pool and realizes his feet won't reach the bottom. Even if I am holding him, he is terrified.

I don't want him to be afraid of pools. I want him to discover how much fun they can be. So, I signed him up for swimming lessons, which he started last Monday. I wasn't sure how he would react. Now I know. The first lesson, he cried and screamed for the entire half hour. The second lesson, he cried and screamed for at least 75 percent of the half hour. The third lesson, he cried a little over 50 percent of the time. At least he's improving, right?

I stayed and watched the first lesson, but decided not to hang around for any future lessons. It works out better that way. I will say, even though he cries and screams, he is cooperative. When his instructor asks him to do something, he does it. He might be wailing at the top of his lungs, but he does it. I am certain, with time, he will come around and will enjoy swimming lessons, but for now, this pouty lip sums up just how Jacob feels about the water.


Can't I just stay here on the steps...PLEEEEEEEEAAAAAAASE?????

After one of his lessons last week, I asked him what he liked best about swimming. He said, "I got out...and showed Mommy!" Funny. Of course, his favorite part was when the lesson was over and he was able to get OUT of the pool!

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