Sunday, March 14, 2010


Spring is coming and the daffodils are in bloom. I love daffodils. They're so pretty, and to be perfectly honest, I just think "daffodil" is a fun word to say.

Glorious daffodils!

The weather was beautiful yesterday morning -- sunny, breezy, cool -- a perfect day to pick daffodils. It had rained the night before, so I was worried the field might be a bit muddy. The lower lying areas were a little soggy, but most of the field was surprisingly dry.

Jacob and Annabelle had the best time running around picking flowers, exploring the dirt, collecting sticks and finding crickets. I was so happy the field was dry because with Annabelle, when there is running, there is also falling. Lots and lots of falling. I was smart to choose a dark colored dress for her that day.

Jacob became an expert at picking flowers, breaking the stem at the bottom instead of just under the bloom as he did at first. Unfortunately, he was also very good at destroying the daffodils, tearing the blooms to shreds. I'm not sure who was better at this, Jacob or his little sister. They were both experts when it came to flower destruction.

Finally, I get to hold the basket! Catch me if you can, big brother!!

Our lovely daffodil bouquet. Somehow we managed to make it home with a few that weren't totally destroyed. Jacob says they smell bee-ya-ful (beautiful).

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