Monday, March 22, 2010

Oh, boy.

It's been one of those days. One of those "Hmmmm...would I really be a horrible parent if I locked the three year old in his room for a few hours?" kind of days. Nah, I would never REALLY do that, but I'd be lying if I said the thought didn't cross my mind. What led me to such thoughts? Let's see....

He slammed his little sister's fingers in the door...on purpose. Twice, he ran into his bedroom with his basket of Easter candy and locked the door behind him. The second time, I didn't realize he had the candy with him. I also didn't realize his sister was in on the fun. When I yelled for him to unlock the door, there he was, mouth full of candy. And there was Annabelle, chocolate all over her face, with a mouth full of not only chocolate, but hard candy and bubble gum. After the candy escapade, he asked for juice. "Absolutely NOT" was my answer. While I wasn't looking, he opened the refrigerator, hid behind the door and drank the orange juice directly from the carton. I caught him in the act, orange juice running down his face and shirt. By the looks of him, I'm not sure how much juice actually made it into his mouth. Later, he sat on his sister, trying to ride her like a horse. In between those little incidents we had the normal, day-to-day not listening stuff -- I ask him to do something. Jacob ignores me. I tell him to do something. Jacob ignores me. I yell at him to do something. Jacob ignores me. And off he goes to the time-out corner. And here comes the temper tantrum. Repeat about a million times. I have only one word for this: e-x-h-a-u-s-t-i-n-g.

Now that both kids are in bed, let's tally up the punishments: several spankings were administered, (yes, I am one of those parents), approximately 49 three minute time-outs were spent in the corner (Just kidding...he didn't have 49 different time-outs. It was probably more like 54), all remaining Easter candy has been thrown into the garbage can, and Mr. Monkey's cousin has been taken away...until Wednesday...night. The only problem now is that taking away Mr. Monkey's cousin is the ultimate punishment. I no longer have the option of using that threat. God, please help Jacob to be a perfect angel over the next couple days...please....PLEASE!!!!

I this just an age thing? Does every three year old act like this? Did I act like this when I was three? (Note to my parents: That last's meant to be rhetorical. I mean...I know I was a perfect child. Me? Throw a temper tantrum? You must be joking.)

Despite the utter exhaustion, there are always funny moments, like this one: Tonight, when Heath arrived home, I told him about the events of the day. Even with Daddy there, Jacob continued to act like a wild child and he was sent to his room to sit on his bed and calm down. Well, wherever Jacob is, Annabelle wants to be also. While Jacob sat on his bed crying and throwing a royal fit because he wanted to get down, Annabelle stood beside the bed crying and yelling because she wanted to get up on the bed with him. I had to laugh.

Annabelle usually joins her brother during his time-outs, too. As soon as she hears me send Jacob to the time-out corner beside the front door, she runs over and sits in the opposite corner across from him and smiles at him as if to say, "It's ok. I'll sit here with you." Of course, I can't let her stay there. If I do, they end up playing together and it's not really a time-out when you have a playmate.

So, now that the day is over, all I can do is hope and pray for a more relaxing, uneventful tomorrow. God, help me!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, we had the terrible 3's - not the terrible 2's. I highly recommend John Rosemond's book - Making the Terrible 2's Terrific. I lent it to my niece - otherwise I'd lend you my copy. It's a time of challenge - and pulling your hair out. It does get better... and then they become teens... and it starts again... but there's hope.
I put the candy up high where he could never reach it in a closet. I put locks on the TV so he couldn't turn it on. We did time outs in a chair in the corner. He had room time where played in his room alone and couldn't come out for so many minutes.
You're doing great - it's just the age. Benjamin made it through... and so did I although there were times I wondered if either of us would...